
Friday, January 13, 2012

Being a thespian

I guess I can officially call myself that now........
Last year I was in my high school's production of Beauty and the Beast. I was a spoon/townsperson which I'm very proud of. This year I have the amazing opportunity to perform in another musical my school is producing, Oklahoma! At first I had my doubts. The plot seemed cheesy, the music even more so. But I have to say it really is an incredible play! And it's incredibly difficult! It also involves more acting from the ensemble, which I love. What I love about being in an ensemble is we get to come up with our own characters and their background. These often involve a bunch of scandalous stories that entertain all of us and are evident in our performance. It's amazing how once one character is created, it's a ripple effect and soon many characters have been invented, as well as relationships, and families. Because in theatre we are all one big family. The best part of being in the play is getting to hang out backstage in the green room, sitting on the couches, telling stories and jokes, and becoming closer. I love being in a play because it allows me to be a part of something bigger than myself. And it teaches me so much! I have grown so much from being in theatre. I have come so far from the person I was years ago and it's all thanks to these experiences that I've had and the friends that I've made. I'm so blessed to be able to call myself a thespian!

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